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Melt n Eat - Kulfi King

Promotional Campaign by Vadilal


The Kulfi King range from Vadilal is an assortment of various kinds of flavoured kulfis. The Kulfi sticks among these are quick on-the-go treats and melt faster than other ice creams. The brief was to use this trait and promote the product in a way which talks about the enhanced taste of the Kulfi because of this melting.


KEYWORDS: Fun, Light, Dynamic


ROUTE: Making a typo unit was the first thing I resorted to because of the felxibility of type, it could be used dyamically. And since it was a campaign, one type unit could be used for any application in any format. The brief was to show melting as the good trait, which meant the melting had to be physically shown in a delectable manner. This is

the reason I chose to combine the type with the Kulfi to present the idea.


The project couldn't go live because of clients' internal discussions.

Kulfi King Wobbler copy.png

Adaptations of the typography unit across various media

Poster MockUp.jpg

© 2020 by Pallavi Mishra

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